Mari Mari’s Success Story


A game changer

I found the Gupta program a game changer and it might be life-changing. I have had ME for 8th years, but there is a change now after 8 months of solid training. The program includes themes, information and techniques I was already doing, but together with the re-traning and all the wisdom and knowledge from Ashok Gupta it all together resonated deeply with me. The program helps me to put my own knowledge & experience together with all the wisdom and re-traning I have learned from Ashok, into a very helpful daily routine. After 6 months I felt the freedom of being able to let go and trust the method/program and when doing so allowing my body to heal. I love the deep scientific and spiritual basis for the program, a lot of useful content, Ashoks way of presenting and the “Do your best leave the rest” approach. Thank you Ashok and team🙏🏻

As a foreign language person, it would have saved me energy to have english subtitles available when watching the course sessions.