Joyce Lai’s Success Story


Immediate Results! Dysautonomia

I have been using both the meditations and the retraining steps for symptoms of dysautonomia. My initial illness had set off every system controlled by the ANS. Medication and an autonomic neurologist have helped very much; but 2 symptoms – gasping (unrelated to my lungs) and temperature dysregulation just wouldn’t go away and my neurologist (autonomic) hasn’t been able to find a reason or a solution. My integrative medicine doctor recommended the Gupta Program. And what a great recommendation! I

’m guessing this is unusual – but I had immediate results. It started working the first day I combined meditation with retraining! My temperature dysregulation is now about 75% normal and the gasping is minimized by a smaller increment, but better. I am certain if I stick with it, both of these symptoms will completely resolve.

Sticking with it is my issue. Because my results are immediate, I slack off and stop until they start to get a little bit worse. I start again and it still helps right away; I know I need to see this all the way through, as I am certain it is going to bring me to 100%! I started one webinar series and I saw how powerful it can be, but I didn’t get very far due to a family emergency. I am starting another webinar series today and I am sure it will keep me accountable and help me get to the next level!

If, like me, you start the program and then don’t follow through, don’t beat yourself up! Every time I restart, I am reminded what it can do and I stick with it a little bit longer. I know this webinar series will bring me through to the end and I can’t wait to feel healthy again!