My Friends With Strength and Courage

Please watch Margaret's vlog here, or listen to the audio recording or enjoy the text below it.

No, I am not asking you to show courage and strength because you already have done so to have come this far and to have joined the Gupta Program.


Anyone who keeps on keeping on looking for something which helps overcome amygdala loop challenges shows courage and strength.


Anyone who faces disbelief from friends, family, acquaintances and medical practitioners shows courage and strength.


Anyone who joins our forum and tries to keep to the guidelines in spite of brain fog etc, shows not only courage and strength but also consideration for everyone else in the forum.


Anyone who shares their dips and successes along the way shows courage and strength and also faith in the others in the forum.


Anyone who offers helpful and positive support to those in need shows courage and strength and also kindness of spirit.


Guideline 10 says:

10. What you say affects other members so please remember that the values of this forum are love, compassion and respect.


All of you do your best to keep to guideline 10 and this also shows courage and strength, as well as love, compassion and respect.

Keep on keeping on all you strong brave hearts.


Margaret Cory

Having been forced to stop working aged 53 due to CFS, I was later diagnosed with Fibromyalgia as well. (With the added challenges of hypersensitivity to chemicals, smells, various foodstuffs, bright light, noise, etc.)

10 years later I found the Gupta Program and started my recovery. Wanting to pay back some small part of what I owe the Gupta Program I later volunteered to be a moderator in the Facebook Gupta Forum.

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