Where is 100%?


How can anyone know what is 100%?


Why are so many people searching for it?


What does it mean anyway?


Is perfection possible?


Is perfection desirable?


Thinking about these questions got me musing again, while sitting waiting for a food delivery.

Last first: I don’t think perfection in anything is desirable or possible for me as it would be boring, which prevents it from being perfect.  I love the little quirks and glitches (little ones) which make everything interesting.

So 100% can’t mean perfection for me. Which implies that no matter how 100% I feel health-wise there is likely still to be room for improvement. Which is good IMHO. And this has been my experience since my recovery from CFS etc. It’s great, as I get older I feel less old. (Not necessarily younger, but less old.)

Living in this modern world we are continually being shown how someone else is wonderful, we are trained by the media to compare ourselves with others and to strive to be as strong, good looking. brainy, etc. as a particular celebrity’s image makes them seem.

So it is hardly surprising that, given a scale which some person has invented (I’ve never seen one in nature) we strive to reach that 100%.

Everyone’s 100% seems to be different from nearly everyone else’s 100%. So I stopped aiming for that false target,

The Gupta Program, given the chance, will enable us eventually to just be ourselves as we are and to enjoy it. Which is where I am now, having found myself at last, but still improving!


Margaret Cory

Having been forced to stop working aged 53 due to CFS, I was later diagnosed with Fibromyalgia as well. (With the added challenges of hypersensitivity to chemicals, smells, various foodstuffs, bright light, noise, etc.)

10 years later I found the Gupta Program and started my recovery. Wanting to pay back some small part of what I owe the Gupta Program I later volunteered to be a moderator in the Facebook Gupta Forum.

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