Gratitude and Loss

This morning I woke up feeling very grateful but also feeling sad.

Yesterday I said my final goodbye to my long time companion, friend and family member, JessC. (A cross curly-coat retriever/border collie who came to me in February 2006, in her hour of need and mine too.) She was 15 years old yesterday and had a health issue which turned out to be untreatable in a dog of her age.

I am so grateful that our paths crossed and joined. When we first met we were both stuck in FFF.

Then I found the Gupta Program and while I did the techniques, she was there by my side, hearing all of Ashok’s words and becoming calm alongside me.

We went through ups and downs together. She made me laugh, and was full of fun. We enjoyed wonderful walks in woods, on beaches and elsewhere.

She became a dog who everyone loved and she lived with me for over 14 years.

So I am grieving for the loss of her presence. Glad that she is out of pain and not suffering any more.

My wholehearted gratitude goes to her, but also to my ability to ride this time of grief, helped by my Gupta toolkit.

I can now allow my grief, my tears, my feelings and thoughts. I can accept it all as a natural process to help me heal through the coming time.

The Surrender meditation is my go to GP tool, it enables me to let go of protecting myself from my grief. It helps me to allow the process to take its course without suppressing it, or wallowing in it.

The Compassion meditation gives me the self compassion which I need just now, as well as compassion for others and for JessC’s life.

The Contentment meditation allows me to be content with my lot, even in challenging times like yesterday and today.
All the Gupta techniques have made me able to ride any of the storms which would previously have overwhelmed me.

In this, my time of dealing with loss, I am full of gratitude.


Margaret Cory

Having been forced to stop working aged 53 due to CFS, I was later diagnosed with Fibromyalgia as well. (With the added challenges of hypersensitivity to chemicals, smells, various foodstuffs, bright light, noise, etc.)

10 years later I found the Gupta Program and started my recovery. Wanting to pay back some small part of what I owe the Gupta Program I later volunteered to be a moderator in the Facebook Gupta Forum.

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