Lizzie, Helsinki’s Review



I have had MCS and severe sensitivity to light and almost all foods for decades. Plus a series of other problems that comes with it all. I have practically been housebound because of this. I have spent a fortune consulting and trying all kinds of doctors, specialists and treatments, without any results. I was always left completely alone with very tragic and scary prognoses. Nobody could help me.
I didn’t believe in these prognoses. I had a very basic theory of mine about what caused the continuous deterioration of my situation. It was so clear to me. But nobody believed in me, and I didn’t have the knowledge on how to proceed. Fortunately I didn’t give up! When I finally found the Gupta Program, the first thing that hit me was that finally somebody believed in me!
Regarding health and wellness issues, the Gupta Program is definitely the best thing that ever happened to me. It not only heals you, you also learn so much about yourself, about what you really want from life. It’s a holistic program. You obviously have to commit to the program and “do the work” to get results, but the program is very flexible and adjustable. You do what works best for you and at your own pace – we are all different. There are loads of tools to choose from.
You are never alone. There are in-depth webinars with Ashok Gupta with questions and answers. Ashok is so human, he has a great sense of humor, it’s so easy and such a pleasure to listen to him and learn from him. There is a fantastic online forum where you get lots of support if you have questions or problems of any kind, and where members share their accomplishments. Coaches, work-shops, etc. For me it’s like a big family, which is very important to me, it helps to keep me motivated.
I am still in the beginning of my health journey. But I have already enjoyed the very first fruits of my work, and I am a completely different person. Happier, more easygoing, with a new way of looking at life, which I love!

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