Luke’s ME/CFS Story

Hello. My name's Luke and I first became unwell after a virus on holiday. I came home and I never fully recovered. In fact, I ground to a halt.

sad man with hands on head in bedroom

It was after a few years that a friend who fully recovered recommended this course, and so I tried it. It started to give me my life back. I started to be able to do things around the house and gave me the tools to manage my illness.

gupta program webpage on mobile

But it was after doing the workshop that things really started to click into place for me, and I've now managed a recovery to get back to working part-time and enjoying a good social life, walks in the countryside with my dog and wife. So, I'm overjoyed to have achieved this, and I feel now that I have the tools to make a full recovery.

countryside path and plants

To watch Luke's full video, click here.



Ashok Gupta is the Director of the Gupta Program. He has dedicated his life to helping people get their life back from Chronic Illness, improving people’s well-being, and helping them achieve their potential. He has been teaching meditation around the world for over 15 years. He runs a global e-clinic specializing in treating ME, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia & Multiple Chemical Sensitivities –

Ashok has spent many years researching the brain neurology of emotion and linking well-being tools with science. He has published medical papers on the basis of stress-related illnesses. He has appeared in many media as an expert on stress on the BBC, CNN, Guardian Newspaper, ITV, The Independent, and many others.

He wrote and presented the Meaning of Life Experiment which is a Free, Award-winning Meditation and Self-Development App

He also works with companies around the world, teaching courses in Leadership, Time Management, and Personal Development.

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