Davina M’s Success Story


The Only Game in Town

I came to the Gupta Program after 47 years of psychotherapy for PTSD, and decades of time and money spent with doctors, both traditional and very untraditional, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for treatment of MCS, MCAS, mold illness, food intolerances, IBS, SIBO,and pain syndromes. I had made some progress with my PTSD, but I was STUCK, not moving forward, for 20 years. After two years of brain retraining, my PTSD is 70% healed. That is a miracle. I know my other conditions will take time, as they were also complicated with drugs the doctors helped me to get addicted to in order to help me. The Gupta Program is an exquisitely creative one; it becomes you; YOUR program, your creation, your path to health. May you take those first shining steps, may you be well! My only criticism is that there seems so far to be little support for retainers who need to retrain for long periods of time. Other than that, it will match you, complexity for clarity, every step of your healing journey.