Celina’s Success Story

Gupta Program Dandelion

I came across the Gupta Program via a family member who was dealing with Long Covid symptoms. She thought it might help with my decades long struggles with Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Multiple Chemical/Fragrance intolerances. Within 3 weeks of beginning the Gupta Program free trial, just using the few meditation and breathing exercises provided – coupled with the validation that my conditions and symptoms are real and are being investigated seriously – my severe anxiety around my symptoms and reactions decreased dramatically. So, of course it made sense to sign up for the full program. Of utmost importance has been my increased awareness that my difficulties are not unique and insurmountable. The first series of webinars I attended provided a much needed weekly touchstone and the opportunity to connect with others who are also working on developing a greater sense of well being. Hearing the stories of people who have recovered from the various conditions has been more than helpful. While I have had some challenges that prevented me from fully practicing the program – there have been so many positive changes in my life: The language I use – internally and externally – around my body and the symptoms I experience has become more loving. I wake up every day in a more positive state of mind. I enjoy myself more than I was able to for years and I laugh more. I no longer have debilitating anxiety every day around going to the dentist or the physician or to a cafe or to the supermarket. And when I do have anxiety about anything – I plug in my earbuds and do an extra 1- or 20 min guided meditation. I am able to advocate for myself now – when needed. And that is just the beginning! I am looking forward to the next 6 months in the Gupta Program and seeing what comes when I “Just do it” as one Gupta attendee has recommended!